Well hello, I'm Kristina.
If you'd like to know, I'm a twenty-one year old girl who just so happened to marry her best friend in the entire world this past May. We have two beagle babies, Muggles and Skywalker. Actual children.. not so much. I call Texas my home, but I have big dreams about escaping and exploring this beautiful world.
I'm a lover of sugary snacks, college football, modesty, vintage shops, fashion, photography, and the occasional craft project. Currently, I'm a senior at Texas A&M University, as for what I want to do after graduating, I honestly have no idea, but I do know God will place me where I'm supposed to be. My dream would definitely have to be becoming a professional photographer, which I'm striving to make happen.
I've been known to daydream, bake cookies for no reason, pretend I'm ice skating in my living room, and do a little trash talking during football season. Those that know me best, know I'm the biggest goofball that you'll ever meet, you just have to crack the surface a little. I'm always up for new friends, so I'm pretty excited you're here.. reading this little ramble about myself.
Always feel free to email me at kristinabby2014@gmail.com. You can also follow me on Instagram @kristina_ross14, or on Twitter @kristinaaa29.