Monday, September 30, 2013


I honestly had no intentions of taking these photos when I set out on my journey to find the bridge pictured below. In fact, I was on the hunt for a good spot to take some "motion blur" photos for my photography class, and the plan was to find this awesome old bridge because: one, I thought at least one train would go across it (I do live in College STATION for cryin' out loud); two, a train moves.. and I thought it would make a cool shot; and three, I've always wanted to take photos of this bridge. Welp, no train came by while I stood there for 45 minutes wandering around, trying not to get bit by something (mosquitoes mainly + some scary unknown thing in the brush), and I just ended up snapping pictures of the sunset and myself instead.

Top: Gap | Shorts: Express (old) | Shoes: Converse

Hopefully, by the time everyone is reading this, I will have found a train to take pictures of.. But, you do get to see my elephant shirt! It's so fun, and I never thought I'd be buying a button-up with an animal printed all over it, but I did. The day I wore this, a girl actually came up behind me and said, "are those elephants all over your shirt?!" to which I nervously replied, "yes?". Apparently she loves elephants and was going to go buy one for herself right after class, ha! It was kinda creepy, but a compliment all the same. 

The location for all of these photos is slightly outside of Bryan, and every time I go out there.. it feels like what Texas A&M would've felt like 60 or 70 years ago. Lots of country, farms, ranches, and even cotton fields! I don't think I've ever noticed the cotton fields before, but I really wanted to stop and take pictures.. I just didn't know if that would be considered trespassing or not, so I just kept driving. Even though Texas makes me super angry with all of its crazy hot weather, I do love driving around here out in the open. You can see for miles and miles, and you never know what you might come upon. 


  1. Kristina! There's something wrong with your pictures. They aren't showing up :(

  2. Oh no! Your pictures aren't working! Let me know when you get it fixed, I'd love to take a look!

    ♥ Brittney @ True Vintage Love

  3. Ooooh so pretty! Seriously, magazine worthy. The lighting is so perfect and your cute pink top really pops!

  4. Yay! I'm glad you got your pictures to come back up! I love that outfit on you! Elephants on a shirt? Never would have thought but it makes it super cute :)

    Exploring My Style


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