Today's special treat for you lovely ladies comes from the wonderfully amazing Nicole, from Writes Like a Girl (how awesome is her blog name?). I couldn't believe my good fortune the day I found her blog, and it quickly became one of my absolute favorites! Nicole is one of those girls that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and knows just how to brighten my day when I need it most with her sincere and loving comments. Since Nicole is a Texas gal like me, she knows how tough living in Texas during the summertime can be.. aka: that makes her a perfect candidate for my little week of summer preparation for all of y'all! Oh, and she picked out a swimsuit I'm taking on my honeymoon with me, can you guess which one it is?
Hello lovely readers of Princess Kristina's blog! I am so unbelievably excited about her new marriage and I can't wait to hear about their honeymoon adventures!
Texas girls like Kristina and I know that summer fashion can devolve pretty quickly into cut offs and tanks tops, so the most important item in our closet is the swimsuit. There are so many styles out this season, so here's a little guide to choosing the perfect swimsuit for your Summer 2013 vacation.

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For a classic look, choose a suit that fits and flatters, first and foremost. Bustier tops and even under-wires are totally in this year, so don't worry about the girls staying put. Grab your favorite Audrey-inspired glasses, a good book, and don't forget your sunscreen in any of these sleek suits.

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I have to say that I'm most excited for retro-style suits to be in fashion. High-waisted bottoms help me run across the sand with confidence that everything will stay in place. Plus, how cute are the polka dots and 1950's tropical flowers?
I'm so excited about underwire and retro suits to be combined. They're my favorite!