I meant to put this up last night and schedule it for this morning, but alas! I had an exam today and I wasn't up for doing much of anything else minus sleeping and sitting in the bath, trying to make myself believe I didn't actually have a test. Side note: I always take baths the night before an exam, it just helps calm me and keep me stress-free, for the most part at least.
Back to what this post is really about. Last weekend, Curtis and I went to a little costume Halloween party, and this is what we wore! I was determined to NOT spend much money, yet still wear a "legit" costume. Since I don't have sewing skills, anything in that realm was out of the question, but I saw an idea on Pinterest for robbers and I ran with it. Turns out, we looked like the robbers off of the Sims, so that's what I told everyone we were. Way more creative, amirite? It was fun, and it's the first time Curtis and I have gotten dressed for Halloween together.. EVER. What? I know. We've always been wicked (pun intended) busy around this time of year our entire seven years of togetherness. So here we are, a couple o' robbers from the Sims. And no, we didn't manage to steal anything that night, tehe.

Me - Beanie: Wal-Mart // Top: Thrifted // Jeans: Gap // Gloves: Wal-Mart // Flats: Old // Tote: DIY (Hobby Lobby)
Curt - Beanie: Wal-Mart // Shirt: Wal-Mart ($3!) // Jeans: Wrangler // Shoes: Nike (baseball days) // Tote: DIY (HobLob)
So basically, I spent $3 at Hobby Lobby buying the tote bags and the masks on our heads (they looked ridiculous, so we didn't really wear them), $2 on the two pairs of gloves, $2 for the two beanies, and $3 for Curt's shirt because he didn't own a black/white striped shirt already. Ten bucks for two costumes, I'd call that a success! As for tonight, I don't think we'll be doing much except passing out candy to any little trick-or-treaters, but I always love Halloween.. mainly because it means Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner! :)

Thought I'd throw these in here for good fun, I was mainly messing around with the camera and lighting, but hey, at least I decorated the house a little bit! What have you guys done for Halloween? Or do you have any weekend plans?