Shorts Weather

Top: Old Navy | Shorts: Aeropostale (old) | Belt: Vintage (mom's closet) | Sandals: American Eagle (old) | Watch: Anne Klein | Hair Tutorial: Here
I've always been self-conscious of my thighs, in fact, if you've been following my blog for a little while, you'll know I did a post for Nicole's blog, Writes Like a Girl, on the very topic of my thighs (well, legs really). I'd much rather wear jeans, dresses, or skirts than shorts.. any day, everyday. They are hardly ever flattering, and sitting down kind of terrifies me. I remember being 11 years old and asking my dad if there were any exercises that would make your thighs skinnier, turns out.. there are, they just don't work for me. Muscular legs aren't a hot commodity in the fashion world, you better just trade your legs out for pixie sticks if you want to make it. Although, I've never quite understood why, most of the men I know prefer a little "meat on the bones." As I was going through the pictures from this little photo session, I realized I didn't want to post most of the pictures. Shorts have been and most likely will always be my mortal enemy. Going shopping for them mostly leads to me despising a part of my body that, unless I have a serious life change (aka, working out like a mad women and never eating a cookie ever again -- not happening), I will always have. Although I have never left in tears or anything like that, it does eat at me when I know I can't fit into shorts like "regular" girls. Living in Texas has been hard because there's no way of avoiding the awful summer temperatures. I mean, we've already hit 90 degrees, and it's only the beginning of May. It's basically a requirement to wear shorts from June to mid-September at some point, or else you may have a heat stroke.
Now, I know most women struggle with self-image, and it can be really difficult to overcome sometimes. I don't think about my legs constantly or anything like that, but they do bring me down at times. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this on my blog before, but in the past year, I've lost 45 lbs, and though I'm pretty happy with the body I've developed, I always find things that bother me. I'm also absolutely terrified I'm going to gain all of the weight back. For seven or eight months, I was a pro at logging all of my meals and exercising pretty regularly, but once serious wedding planning hit and school started getting out of control, I just fell off the wagon. I don't indulge myself too much, but it's much more than I did while on my strict diet.
Back to the topic of shorts.. after thinking about this post for some time, I've decided to embrace my legs, and figure out what works for me and my body. Shorts that aren't as fitted on the thighs make me feel much more comfortable, and honestly, they're more modest too. It's a struggle to find shorts that actually look decent on me; I've had the same five or six pairs for well over three years. But, I'm determined to not let it bother me when I can't find a pair that works. So yeah, it was really hard for me to actually post this outfit.. but hey, my style isn't always what I want it to be.. or should I say, it doesn't always look like I imagined it in my head. I'm me, and my body's different from everyone else's. But, becoming more comfortable in my own skin is extremely important to me, and I believe this blog has helped me so much!
I hope everyone has a happy Friday. I've been doing some last minute wedding things, and it's a bit stressful around these parts. But.. it'll all be worth it next Saturday. Ahhh, I can't wait! In the meantime, I'm missing my Curt while he's in Houston for the weekend with his boys (woo, bachelor party). I'm kind of jealous, they're going to the Rangers-Astros baseball game.
Linking up with: Two Thirty-Five Designs
This is a great post Kristina. I ran track for about seven years, my thighs are soooo muscular and it's very noticeable. It was my arms that I hated most thought because people and especially guys always commented on them so it made me feel less girly and that bothered me for years. But I've learned to embrace my body because God made me. That's a major accomplishment so congrats, you should probably write about how you accomplished that because I'm sure there are ladies reading your blog trying to be where you are.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely beautiful, all you of you Kristina. Thanks for bing so open, you're going to help so many girls.
Omg, I'm so excited for you, I'll b at your wedding in my mind even though I'm miles away in Florida, it's going to be Amazing!!!!!!!
Wow, congrats on losing 45 pounds! So inspiring!! I think these shorts are adorable :) And I think you look great in them! I have a really hard time finding jeans though--shorts are ok to find for me. But, my body type's really weird and it doesn't like most brands of jeans :(
Well, I think you look great in shorts! It always surprises me when bloggers who I think look fabulous all the time share their own opinions of their "problem areas."
ReplyDeleteFirst off, let me just say, it takes a lot of courage to open up about your insecurities. It's so brave of you to be completely open and honest with your readers. This is one of the many reasons I love your blog. You are real. And a lot of us girls can relate to having certain things about our bodies that we don't like.
As I was reading your post, I had to actually scroll back up because I had not even noticed your legs at all! Maybe that sounds bad, but what I mean is, when I look at your pictures, I mainly pay attention to your outfit, facial expression, and your adorable beagles! You are a truly beautiful young woman and you should be so proud of how far you've come. Next time you're feeling down about your body, just know you have a whole group of supporters here who just look forward to seeing your posts, happy or sad :)
I can tell from reading that you've had quite a stressful year but your WEDDING is almost here and I'm so excited for you! So take the time to enjoy every second. Us blog readers can't wait to hear all about it and see all the pictures when you come back!!
I think you look fabulous! You are rockin those shorts! As great as I think you look in them though, I know how you see things about yourself that no one else can see. I have always been insecure about my boobs (or lack there of). TMI? All of my friends in school had legitimate breasts in like 6th grade and I had bug bites. I was always teased about it. Seriously, teased for not having boobs! Kids are assh*les! haha But, I waited and waited until my day would come....but it never did. I am 28 years old and still sporting bug bites (even after 3 kids!). But ya know, I think I am the only one who notices or cares. Just like I think you are more aware of your legs than anyone else. When I looked through your pictures, I noticed your gorgeous hair (great style btw!) and beautiful eyes. I say let go! If you want to wear shorts, wear them! You look beautiful no matter what and those who matter will always see that in you!
High Heels and Training Wheels
I know exactly how you feel thighs are the part of my body I'm most self-concious about too. You are awesome for addressing it on the blog though! And really I think we're our own worst critic. You look great in these shorts! Plus I really love your lavendar top and gorgeous hair in these photos. Plus, cutest beagle ever! That last pic is darling :)
I'm so glad you decided to embrace who you are! You look beautiful in these pictures, and I love the whole look on you <3
ReplyDeleteI love this look, those are real cute shorts. To be honest i didn't pay attention to your thighs at all. I think you're very brave to talk about your insecurities but you look absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeletexx Audrey
I can really identify with this post. I wrote my post for Nicole about my legs, too. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what brought me to your blog in the first place! Self-image is a funny thing though, because I think you look great! The colors of these items couldn't be better and congrats on working towards a body you feel good about!
ReplyDeleteWooo you go lady, 45 lbs is an awesome accomplishment! You look gorgeous in this outfit, shorts and all. And of course, puppy is looking sweet like always.
ReplyDeleteLegs! I'm all for 'em. Mine get me where I need to go (especially because I don't drive), and I can stand on 'em all day if I need to (I could never do that with my arms! Think about that). Love this post -- and, love those shorts! You look great.
Fifth Freedom Fashion
You look lovely in those shorts, pretty lady!! I think you're a rockstar for embracing your body - something all of us women need to do.
ReplyDeleteAnd ps: 45 lbs is amazing!!! That deserves a major congratulations!
ReplyDeleteOh, lady, you know how I feel about shorts - they're the worst. However, the ones you are wearing here are SO CUTE OMG and I think you look wonderful in them! I also SUPER love that shirt - the color, the buttons, everything. You are so beautiful and strong and wonderful and amazing and perfect and I love you. Also, please send some of your weight loss inspiration my way. I need to drop about 40-50 lbs too...and I just can't. :(